Josh Kunze
Josh Kunze is a Pop/R&B singer with a German and Indonesian descent. Born in Germany, 1988, Josh moved back to Indonesia at the age of 6. Growing up Josh was involved with church music and school choirs. Musically, Josh was heavily influenced by many Pop and R&B arXsts like Michael Jackson, Craig David, and JusXn Timberlake. When wriXng music itself, Josh took the inspiraXon for his songs from personal experiences and observaXons of relaXonships around him.
In Josh’s debut album that he released 21 February 2018 earlier Xtled “Relentless”, he hopes that his music will be able to tell a portrayal on a journey about a life pursuit of love – romanXcally and in reality, despite the ups and downs. To Josh it’s a relentless journey, one he’s never giving up on.